Rebekah Hair-Stewart

Assistant Director of Alumni and Student Engagement, College of Music
Student and Alumni Engagement in Colleges, Schools and Units
College of Music

Originally from Georgia, Rebekah earned her Bachelor of Music at LaGrange College and then received her Master of Music Composition from the University of South Carolina. After graduation, Rebekah completed two terms of service with Hands On Atlanta AmeriCorps. Rebekah has always kept one foot in the nonprofit sector and one in the music industry, often working multiple jobs or volunteering locally to satisfy her desire for a creative and collaborative work experience. Rebekah’s favorite pastime is live music; at any given time, she has a trip (and fabulous outfit) planned around an upcoming concert or festival. She is also passionate about her community and spends time planning and organizing local events at Railroad Square every month. Her husband and two cats are some of her favorite people, and she will do just about anything for some fresh guacamole.

Rebekah Hair-Stewart